Home Publications CIES conference (APRIL 14-18 2019, San Francisco-USA)

CIES conference (APRIL 14-18 2019, San Francisco-USA)

Mr. Mauro Giacomazzi, the Institutional Development Advisor of LGIHE shared a presentation “Human Flourishing: An introduction to Life skills” under the panel “Developing life skills among youth: programmatic approaches and research”. It aimed at exploring actionable findings on how to design, implement and scale life skills” alongside Mathematica Policy and CEDA International

Dr. John Mary Vianney Mitana, the Principal of
LGIHE presented a paper, “The influence of National Examinations on Classroom practice and Softskills in primary schools in Uganda: Case of Kampala and Kabale districts” under the panel “Educating for the 21st Century:

Experiences from the Regional Educational Learning Initiative in East Africa (RELI)”