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RELI Engagement

LGIHE is actively participating in RELI (Regional Educational Learning Initiative) activities mainly through the life skills cluster where we have spearheaded key aspects pertaining to policy makers’ engagement and sensitization on life skills. This has been reflected through the activities conducted by the cluster such as the RELI life skills survey whose objective is to identify life skills of mutual interest amongst partner organizations and how they can assessed for improved learning outcomes (link to the report)

As LGIHE, we have benefited from the various conferences at national and regional level i.e. MEL workshops and most recently, the communication workshop by Well Made Strategy aimed at enabling member organizations communicate effectively with policy makers for policy influence purposes.

LGIHE contributes to the successful organization of the first ever national symposium on Uganda’s examinations and assessment system Ministry of Education and Sports​  DFID – UK Department for International Development​ World Bank Uganda​ Uganda National Teachers’ Union (UNATU)​


Download Report – RELI Life Skills Internal Survey Report October 2018